
Thai Massage

Thai Massage 60minute


Thai Massage


Relax with a traditional Thai massage

A traditional Thai massage that slowly stretches the muscles that are not normally used by stretching is a way to calm the mind and relieve stress.


*Effects that can be expected from Thai massage

・Effects of contact (effects of contact (promoting the secretion of oxytocin, reducing stress reactions, etc.)


・Effects of whole-body exercise (blood circulation promotion, nerve stimulation, etc.)


・The effect of double breathing (aerobic exercise, relaxation, etc.)

Thai Massage 90minute


Thai Massage

Relax with a traditional Thai massage

A traditional Thai massage that slowly stretches the muscles that are not normally used by stretching is a way to calm the mind and relieve stress.


*Effects that can be expected from Thai massage

・Effects of contact (effects of contact (promoting the secretion of oxytocin, reducing stress reactions, etc.)


・Effects of whole-body exercise (blood circulation promotion, nerve stimulation, etc.)


・The effect of double breathing (aerobic exercise, relaxation, etc.)

Thai Massage 120minute


Thai Massage

Relax with a traditional Thai massage

A traditional Thai massage that slowly stretches the muscles that are not normally used by stretching is a way to calm the mind and relieve stress.


*Effects that can be expected from Thai massage

・Effects of contact (effects of contact (promoting the secretion of oxytocin, reducing stress reactions, etc.)


・Effects of whole-body exercise (blood circulation promotion, nerve stimulation, etc.)


・The effect of double breathing (aerobic exercise, relaxation, etc.)

Oil Massage

Oil Massage 60minute


Oil Massage


You can relax your body more beautifully with Thai traditional aroma oil lymphatic massage.


The work of collecting waste products and extra water as an

unnecessary cause of the body will not work. By regulating the flow of

lymph with lymphatic massage, these can be discharged smoothly, and

various positive effects on beauty and health can be expected, such as

recovery from fatigue, improvement of swelling, and skin beautifying effects.


It is also used in Thai medical technology and is used by many customers who feel fatigue and stress.

Oil Massage 90minute


Oil Massage


You can relax your body more beautifully with Thai traditional aroma oil lymphatic massage.


The work of collecting waste products and extra water as an

unnecessary cause of the body will not work. By regulating the flow of

lymph with lymphatic massage, these can be discharged smoothly, and

various positive effects on beauty and health can be expected, such as

recovery from fatigue, improvement of swelling, and skin beautifying effects.


It is also used in Thai medical technology and is used by many customers who feel fatigue and stress.

Oil Massage 120minute


Oil Massage


You can relax your body more beautifully with Thai traditional aroma oil lymphatic massage.


The work of collecting waste products and extra water as an

unnecessary cause of the body will not work. By regulating the flow of

lymph with lymphatic massage, these can be discharged smoothly, and

various positive effects on beauty and health can be expected, such as

recovery from fatigue, improvement of swelling, and skin beautifying effects.


It is also used in Thai medical technology and is used by many customers who feel fatigue and stress.

King course

King course 60minute


King course

With a history of more than 2,500 years, the royal palace massage

offers dry head spa, traditional Thai massage, aroma oil, and oil foot

care at the same time.

You can experience and enjoy the comfort as if you were royalty.


Please enjoy the high-class treatments that are only permitted in the

royal palace; you will surely be satisfied.

King course 90minute


King course

With a history of more than 2,500 years, the royal palace massage

offers dry head spa, traditional Thai massage, aroma oil, and oil foot

care at the same time.

You can experience and enjoy the comfort as if you were royalty.


Please enjoy the high-class treatments that are only permitted in the

royal palace; you will surely be satisfied.

King course 120minute


King course

With a history of more than 2,500 years, the royal palace massage

offers dry head spa, traditional Thai massage, aroma oil, and oil foot

care at the same time.

You can experience and enjoy the comfort as if you were royalty.


Please enjoy the high-class treatments that are only permitted in the

royal palace; you will surely be satisfied.

Pair course

Pair course 60minute


Pair course


Please relax with an authentic Thai massage in pairs with your

friends.The authentic Thai staff will take you to another world.  


It's also perfect for corona fatigue. After work and on vacation! ! Please

experience it together.


*Het Spa: A soothing dry head spa where you can relax your head.


* Foot massage: Stimulates the pressure points of the feet to release

fatigue from the soles of the feet.


*Traditional Thai style: Release the tired body while stretching the whole body.

Pair course 90minute


Pair course


Please relax with an authentic Thai massage in pairs with your

friends.The authentic Thai staff will take you to another world.  


It's also perfect for corona fatigue. After work and on vacation! ! Please

experience it together.


*Het Spa: A soothing dry head spa where you can relax your head.


* Foot massage: Stimulates the pressure points of the feet to release

fatigue from the soles of the feet.


*Traditional Thai style: Release the tired body while stretching the whole body.

Pair course 120minute


Pair course


Please relax with an authentic Thai massage in pairs with your

friends.The authentic Thai staff will take you to another world.  


It's also perfect for corona fatigue. After work and on vacation! ! Please

experience it together.


*Het Spa: A soothing dry head spa where you can relax your head.


* Foot massage: Stimulates the pressure points of the feet to release

fatigue from the soles of the feet.


*Traditional Thai style: Release the tired body while stretching the whole body.

oil foot care

oil foot care 30minute
